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Messages Received From: Skype

To Number From Message Date
+3584573999888 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: AJEFMM 2 months ago
+3584573999874 Skype Use KSWOIC to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+3584573999874 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: KSWOIC 2 months ago
+3584573999888 Skype Use AJEFMM to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+3584573982913 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: PLOYXO 2 months ago
+3584573982913 Skype Use PLOYXO to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+33757058786 Skype 'avez pas activée vous-même, accédez à l'URL et en 2 months ago
+33757058786 Skype Votre identité d'appelant Skype est maintenant active. Si vous ne l 2 months ago
+33757058786 Skype Utilisez JIGMGV pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 2 months ago
+3584573982988 Skype Use EIEGMO to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+33757058786 Skype trez le code suivant pour la désactiver : JIGMGV 2 months ago
+3584573999987 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: FGLYVP 2 months ago
+3584573999987 Skype Use FGLYVP to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+3584573982988 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: EIEGMO 2 months ago
+3584573999885 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: FWSAIT 2 months ago
+3584573999885 Skype Use FWSAIT to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+447893930788 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: PKBNZG 2 months ago
+447893930788 Skype Use PKBNZG to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+447893930698 Skype Use QUEHWZ to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+447893930698 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: QUEHWZ 2 months ago
+447893930687 Skype Use QSYYFD to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+447893930561 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: GJYCJN 2 months ago
+447893930561 Skype Use GJYCJN to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+447893930796 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: KDURGT 2 months ago
+447893930796 Skype Use KDURGT to verify your Skype Caller ID 2 months ago
+33757058947 Skype Votre identite d'appelant Skype est maintenant active. Si vous ne l'avez pas activee vous-meme, accedez à l'URL et entrez le code suivan 2 months ago
+33757058947 Skype Utilisez ERPBNV pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 2 months ago
+33757058947 Skype t pour la desactiver : ERPBNV 2 months ago
+639207805307 Skype ?? Skype ??? ID ??????????????????? ???????????: HEGKLA 2 months ago
+639207805307 Skype 你的 Skype 呼叫方 ID 现已激活。如果不是你自己激活的,请转到 并输入此代码以将其停用: HEGKLA 2 months ago
+33757058946 Skype trez le code suivant pour la désactiver : ISCCIN 3 months ago
+33757058946 Skype Votre identité d'appelant Skype est maintenant active. Si vous ne l 3 months ago
+33757058946 Skype 'avez pas activée vous-même, accédez à l'URL et en 3 months ago
+33757058946 Skype Utilisez ISCCIN pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+3584573982975 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: UYVJMK 3 months ago
+3584573982975 Skype Use UYVJMK to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+33757058995 Skype Utilisez IKWUHX pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+33757058951 Skype Utilisez LKXHFK pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+33757058951 Skype ??????. 3 months ago
+33757058951 Skype ??????????? ICRTOD, ????? ????????? ???? ????????????? ????????? ? 3 months ago
+3584573999913 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: RZOXQD 3 months ago
+3584573999913 Skype Use RZOXQD to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982909 Skype Use XOVAKK to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982909 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: XOVAKK 3 months ago
+3584573982909 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: PEZWZP 3 months ago
+3584573982909 Skype Use PEZWZP to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Use KSOJNY to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: KSOJNY 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: DRNVRS 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Use DRNVRS to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+79027351626 Skype chrissy.lazarevich: @KON109 - luchshiy bot dlya probiva v telegram 3 months ago
+3584573999883 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: ZIYMHC 3 months ago
+3584573999883 Skype Use ZIYMHC to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999913 Skype Use GAWEXO to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999913 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: GAWEXO 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: UOXTAP 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Use UOXTAP to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: GMZAAX 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Use VOWLPZ to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Use GMZAAX to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: VOWLPZ 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: CEFTSI 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: VFUDIA 3 months ago
+3584573999988 Skype Use VFUDIA to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Use CEFTSI to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: QDYHSN 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: ZGCHTI 3 months ago
+3584573999952 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: RXQJAX 3 months ago
+3584573999952 Skype Use RXQJAX to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999952 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: SXJHME 3 months ago
+3584573999952 Skype Use SXJHME to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982952 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: XJWZOQ 3 months ago
+3584573982925 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: KISPJX 3 months ago
+3584573982925 Skype Use KISPJX to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982952 Skype Use XJWZOQ to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: LAUCHI 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: NIKYNA 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Use LAUCHI to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Use NIKYNA to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: RSZPIJ 3 months ago
+3584573982935 Skype Use RSZPIJ to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: PUYTSL 3 months ago
+37126707655 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: DNPVGQ 3 months ago
+33757058898 Skype Utilisez TCVZPV pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+33757058898 Skype Utilisez ANVWOF pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+3584573999823 Skype Use MEHVWD to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999823 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: MEHVWD 3 months ago
+447520650890 Skype Use JBPUWY to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+447520650890 Skype Use UCLDHZ to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999914 Skype Use VLCBNF to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573999914 Skype Your Skype Caller ID is now active. If you did not activate it yourself, go to and enter this code to deactivate it: VLCBNF 3 months ago
+3584573982916 Skype Use XEUDSJ to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+33757056448 Skype Use QTNYIK to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+33757056448 Skype Use AAFSYO to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+33757055093 Skype 'avez pas activée vous-même, accédez à l'URL et en 3 months ago
+33757055093 Skype trez le code suivant pour la désactiver : DNTYRG 3 months ago
+33757055093 Skype Votre identité d'appelant Skype est maintenant active. Si vous ne l 3 months ago
+33757055093 Skype Utilisez DNTYRG pour vérifier votre identité d'appelant Skype 3 months ago
+639207981472 Skype Use PJUCKN to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago
+3584573981573 Skype Use TSDWLB to verify your Skype Caller ID 3 months ago

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